Lost & Found Pets
Found a pet? Click here to learn some ways to help reunite him/her with their owner.
Lost a pet? Act Fast. Click here to learn what to do when your pet is lost.
If you create a “LOST” flier make sure it contains a telephone number, the town, AND the state in which the animal was lost.
Contact any and all surrounding vet offices – the finder may take them to a local veterinarian office to check for a chip.
Who to contact
Call your local law enforcement agency. If there is no answer, leave a message.
Jackson Township Police
Phone: (570) 675-8500
Luzerne County Dog Warden
J. Spencer
Phone: (570) 350-9392
Blue Chip Farm Animal Refuge
Phone: (570) 333-5265
Luzerne County SPCA
Phone: (570) 825-4111
Northeast Veterinary Referral Hospital
Phone: (570) 208-8877
File a lost or found report with them. This service is complementary and no appointment is necessary. Since they are usually open 24 hours a day, many people bring lost and found pets for them to scan.
Social Media
Facebook is a surprisingly great (and FAST) resource for Lost & Found pets. If you do not have a Facebook account, try to reach out to someone who does and they can post on your behalf. There are several local pages helping pets each day be reunited with their owners.

Lackawanna & Luzerne LOST DOG PROJECT
Wyoming County PA Lost Pet
Luzerne & Lackawanna County Pet Lost and Found
Other Information
If you lost your pet and they are micro-chipped…. notify your microchip company right away and make sure all of your microchip information is up to date. Also have the microchip company put out an alert on your pets’ microchip. This way if your pet is scanned it will come up right away that the pet has been reported missing. BUT……Please do not rely 100% on microchips. Unfortunately, they can get missed, migrate or even fall out, so contact Shelters, Rescues, Veterinarians and Animal Hospitals as well.
Many people overlook registering a microchip in their name when they adopt a pet. This means the microchip will come up registered to the shelter and not the owner if it is scanned. Shelters are only open specific hours and update their data banks and change computers all the time. This causes them to lose the original owner’s information. It is very important for adopters to contact the microchip company themselves so they can make sure all the information on their missing pets is up to date with their information.
Post Flyers Everywhere. Flyers are the best way to help reach people directly in your community. Please be mindful of local ordinances regarding signage and NEVER interfere with the sight lines of pedestrians and/or automobiles on roadways.
We would like to thank our partnership with Terry Timonte for her guidance in making of this portion of the website. She has worked tirelessly for years helping people in our area reunite with their lost pets.